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Saturday, February 8, 2025

Tag: science

The benefits of arts and science

Art and science both provide valuable insights. It's fascinating how together they can work to bring enjoyment, power and ability to life.

Science brings us measurement, precision, regimentation, data records, curiosity and questioning.

Is it moral to remote control insects?

A group of researchers from North Carolina State University have wired electronics to cockroaches and controlled them remotely from a Microsoft video game console. Using the joystick, scientists were able to move the insects left, right, or straight ahead.

Jimmy in the lions den, or: a merry weekend of intelligent design lectures, part 2

Now to the fun.  The Discovery Institute’s John West talked on “The Darwinian Challenge to Faith, Ethics, and Culture,” in which he characterized Darwinism as a block of militant atheists out to squash all opposition to their godless materialist agenda.  Along the way West happened to show some slides of “Darwin Day” celebrations where atheist sentiments were on hand to suggest that Darwin Day was really a secularist religious holiday.

Jimmy in the lions den, or: a merry weekend of intelligent design lectures

As someone who follows the creation-evolution debate quite closely I take advantage of lots of free newsletter links that organizations make available, from Science magazine to local creationist organizations like Chuck Missler’s Koinonia House over in Coeur D’Alene, to that Mount Olympus of Intelligent Design, Seattle’s Discovery Institute.

So who owns my body?

It was a unanimous decision. Whatever their religious backgrounds, they were all united. The Supreme Court ruled that Myriad Genetics cannot copyright a human gene. "A naturally occurring DNA segment is a product of nature and not patent eligible merely because it has been isolated," Justice Clarence Thomas wrote for the court.

Is digital affirmation taking the place of God?

“I am beautiful; I’m exceptional; and I’m powerful; all because love is inside me calling me to be a daughter of destiny.”

These lyrics from “Daughter of Destiny” on the latest Ginny Owens album sum up the views of many religions.

You have searched me and you know me

Who is the “you” in this famous passage of Psalm 139? Why, Apple computer, of course! No? Maybe it’s Google? Microsoft? OK, maybe the more appropriate question is who is “me”?

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