Lately, I’ve been especially intrigued by the idea of humility, as much of our national political discussions have deteriorated into a swamp of incivility and the word, humility, seems to have vanished from popular diction.
Conover’s most recent book published in December 2016, “Katha Sagar, Ocean Stories: Hindu Wisdom for Every Age” (with Unitarian minister Abhi Janamanchi), is an exploration of Hinduism suitable for children and adults; it is the first of its kind apart from books that detail Hindu festivals.
Sarah Conover holds a Bachelor of Arts in religious studies from the University of Colorado, a degree in education from Gonzaga University, and a Masters of Fine Arts in creative writing from Eastern Washington University.
In the U.S, the list of Buddhist teachers include, but is not exclusive to: Theravada and Mahayana monastics, Zen senseis and roshis, Korean masters, Tibetan geshes and lamas, Buddhist chaplains, Buddhist ministers and lay Buddhist teachers.
You’ve landed on a central issue for every meditator: what to do with a drifting mind. The question addresses the irony that we have a learning curve to simply be with our experience of being. Meditation is just a circumscribed time of minimal distraction.
Spokane Faith & Values is happy to welcome Sarah Conover to its team of writers.
Conover teaches creative writing and meditation and has author several books, including "Muhammad: the Story of a Prophet and Reformer," which will be released later this year.