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Tag: Music & Worship

Presbyterians stir debate by rejecting popular new hymn

Fans of a beloved contemporary Christian hymn won’t get any satisfaction in a new church hymnal.

The committee putting together a new hymnal for the Presbyterian Church (USA) dropped the popular hymn “In Christ Alone” because the song’s authors refused to change a phrase about the wrath of God.

POLL: Does technology enhance or distract during worship?

Michael Puppos, a staff member at Blessed John XXIII Catholic Church in Ohio, said the parish strives to incorporate technology in ways that  are relevant and that enhance the worship experience, without becoming distractions. How much technology is appropriate for use in houses of worship?

Tens of millions of people are reading the Bible and other holy books on iPads and smart phones.

BRIEF: Annual Lessons & Carols service to be held at St. John’s

On Sunday, at 4 p.m., the Cathedral Choirs of St. John the Evangelist will celebrate the Advent Season through its annual service of Lessons & Carols.

Hindus celebrate Diwali

Spokane's Hindu community celebrate Diwali over the weekend.

Spokane Hindus celebrate Diwali with dancing, singing

On Saturday evening nearly 200 people poured into the top floor of the downtown Comfort Inn to celebrate Diwali, one of the popular Hindu festivals.
Diwali, which means “rows of lighted lamps,” is a time to commemorate the victory of good over evil and the conquest of demon king Narakaasura (Naraka), explained Rahul Sharma, lead event organizer.

BRIEF: Celtic Communion Service to be held Aug. 30

A Celtic Communion Service will be held at St. David’s Episcopal Church  at 7 p.m., Aug. 30.

The theme for the service is “Music for the Journey" and will explore the spirituality of music.

Church offers weekly Celtic Eucharist

St. David's Episcopal Church will host a Celtic Eucharist Thursdays at 7 p.m. beginning in August.

The weekly Celtic celebrations will focus on four saints: Columba, Aiden, Hilda and Julian of Norwich, according to a news release

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