30.1 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025

Tag: methodist

LGBTQ Weddings and Ordination: Learning to Agree to Disagree

In agreeing to disagree with true humility, we leave open the possibility that we might learn from and be changed by each other, in ways we might barely imagine.

UMC’s “Traditional Plan” not Biblically Responsible

I believe in the authority and influence of the Bible, and therefore I believe that interpretation and application of the Bible should be taken seriously and done responsibly. Unfortunately, the Traditional Plan is not the result of responsible biblical interpretation.

Spokane’s Religion wrap-up: Godcast, Episcopalians, Methodists, and service opps

Each week our parent organization, The Religion News Service, produces the Godcast. This week four the five FAV editors were the guests.

Methodists uphold policy that calls homosexuality ‘incompatible with Christian teaching’

Despite emotional protests and fierce lobbying from gay rights groups, United Methodists voted on Thursday (May 2) to maintain their denomination’s stance that the practice of homosexuality is “incompatible with Christian teaching.”

Must read