We can love like this only when we confess that such love is only possible by God's grace and then ask for it – i.e., for his ability to love, which he freely bestows on those who want it. With commitment and practice agape-love becomes real, and I realize it's not just me loving. God and I are doing it together because agape-love is the result of the relationship between God and me.
Two weeks ago I asked readers to define the word “love,” which I contend is the correct starting place for unpacking the real issue behind the Supreme Court's June 26 decision to legalize gay marriage.
I can't tell you how relieved I am that the Supreme Court has decided the gay marriage question. Perhaps now, after decades of legal wrangling, we can finally get around to addressing the real issue.
Corinthians chapter 13 has always been a favorite reading at wedding ceremonies. Most of us are familiar with St. Paul’s who makes love the foundation of a life well lived.