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Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Tag: love

Love Trumps Hate

Perhaps we should be grateful to Trump Rather than be depressed, angry, or mystified

We must make a choice

I look at the news and it doesn’t seem to have changed.

The Power of the Spirit of the Lord

To follow Jesus is to have he Spirit of the Lord upon us. What does that mean?

When we create our own solitary confinement

We can’t relate to things, so hedonism must always lead to a type of solitary confinement which leads to delusions and despair.

The love story of Easter

God’s return to us gives us the power to love one another and God.

The truth of unconditional love

We need love to live. While this seems to be a truism bordering on cliche, it is in reality a revolutionary statement.

Love Makes Us Human

Only when we love can we slip past the dangers of both objectivism and subjectivism.

Must read