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Sunday, October 6, 2024

Tag: lent

Into the Mud: A Lenten Reflection

Over the years I have pondered the fact that Lent is always part of muddy March. It seems appropriate. As the snow melts the trash along the road becomes visible, then we go through a period of noticing and being frustrated by the mud that covers our vehicles and wish we could wash it off and keep it off.

West Central Abbey Uses Lent to Discuss Death and Grief, Subjects Many Don’t Talk About

For their Ash Wednesday service Wednesday night, the West Central Abbey began their reflection of the 40 days of Lent by discussing death.

Why Do Christians Wear Ashes on Ash Wednesday?

This Ash Wednesday many Christians will arrive at work with a black cross smudged on their foreheads; countless more will slip into a church or a chapel during their lunch break or after work to receive the sign that tells the arrival of the traditional start of the Christian season of Lent.

Why Is Lent an Important Season?

The word “Lent” has various meanings. According to the Collins Dictionary, the Ango-Saxon root of “Lencten” means Spring in Latin and the lengthening of the hours of daylight. It also signifies 40 days. In many faith traditions, the number 40 symbolizes key events. For example, both Moses and Jesus waited 40 days and nights before receiving God’s guidance.

Enter Holy Week with the quiet ministry of sending a card

A handwritten card is a sacrament. When it arrives in the mail, you hold in your hands the beautiful evidence that we are in relationship.

Lenten Sacrifice

God asked me to make a sacrifice for Lent. Sacrifice also means something to Catholics, although, for most of us, it's usually fodder for comedians.

3 Lenten practices to teach you about God, community

This Lent, I’m engaging in three prayer practices, each of which is holding unexpected gifts.

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