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Thursday, January 30, 2025

Tag: lds

Is religious freedom a ‘God-given’ right? LDS church weighs in with new campaign

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints published a new topics page on religious freedom Tuesday to “help people of conscience everywhere understand the importance of protecting religious freedom.”

The site’s resources are, on the whole, engaging and comprehensive.

Ask A Mormon: Do Mormons face more pressure than other Christians?

Do you feel like you, as a member of the LDS church, are under more pressure to defend (or maybe 'contextualize' is the word) The Book of Mormon than other Christians are under to defend the Bible? I feel like there's a broad spectrum of perspectives on the Bible, among people I talk to, from 'it's a nice book with some good advice in it' all the way up to 'this is the factual and inarguable word of God', but I've got the sense from Mormon friends that this kind of discussion is less welcome in LDS circles. Do you agree? Do you think it's foundational to Mormon faith that Smith's accounts be taken as fact?

Ask A Mormon: Why try to convert other Christians?

If Mormonism is a Christian faith, why is my son, who is a Christian, being asked to convert to Christianity in order to date a certain girl? He is already Christian!

Ask A Mormon: What’s the church’s stance on capital punishment?

My question is: does the LDS church have an official stand on capital punishment? Is there also a general belief system you could speak to on executions from a Mormon point of view?

We thank God for specific blessings

My favorite prayer is likely the one I've said most recently. In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, we have very few standardized or written/memorized prayers. We pray to thank our Heavenly Father for the specific blessings he has given us, and ask for the specific blessings that we desire, "according to His will." We pray throughout the day

Introducing Ask A Mormon

“So, do you file your horns down or does the hair just cover them?”

“How many moms do you have?”

“What’s with the magic underwear?”

Positive changes to LDS missionary work reflects changing world

Last October, President Thomas S. Monson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints announced that instead of waiting until they were 19, young men could serve missions at 18, so long as they had finished high school. For young women, the change was even more significant: 19 instead of 21. This opened the floodgates as the number of missionaries currently serving has surged from 52,000 to 70,000 over the past eight months, and is anticipated to reach almost 100,000 by the end of this year.

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