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Thursday, February 20, 2025

Tag: god

Why God? Why not Goddess?

I know there’s a balance between God and Goddess and my point of view disrupts that harmony.

Why cherry picking leads to mistakes

Recently in the SFAV’s web conversations there have been a number of comments posted, most using a peculiar and often rather flawed method of justification. I do not exempt myself from this criticism. I have seen in particular numerous references to sacred scriptures, usually the Christian Bible, and references to tradition; these are both calls to authority. However, there is very little use of scientific historical method, linguistics, or sociology and anthropology.

How easy is it to play God? Really easy

We humans believe we can look at and address any and all of the above-cited topics without God's input, understanding, perspective or will, which also empowers us to dismiss Him as irrelevant.

Hide and Seek, a poem

A man came to me in distress angrily exclaiming, “You think God exists? Show me, where was God when my wife died?

Ron Swanson and the Existence of God

If you’re a fan of NBC’s Parks and Recreation, you know well the unwavering manliness of Ron Swanson. You would also know well his Kryptonite: his ex-wives, “Tammy 1″ and “Tammy 2.”

The Narrative of Otherness and God as Wholly Other, Part 2

Humans have long struggled to truly define this Ground of Being, and that is partly because this idea of a Ground of Being is in a sense beyond definition.

Branded by God

With so many voices shouting out “This is who you must be” “This is what you must do”

Must read