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Friday, February 21, 2025

Tag: god

Ask An Atheist: What do you feel the best argument is for a Christian God?

The best argument for a Christian God consists of not paying attention to most of the data, of selecting out only reinforcing notions and ignoring the rest.

A scary illness reveals something even scarier

I was laid low by food poisoning for a week. Thank God!

Why God Not Goddess? Part 3

We are reminded that to celebrate divine wisdom, strength, courage, nurturing and compassion in a Goddess is to celebrate that within ourselves.

Why God? Why Not Goddess? Part 2

Don’t let me fool you by the confident tenor I espouse when saying, Now is the time for the Goddess.

Contemplating, Meditating on God Should be Preached About

Be still and know that I am God. These words are a call to a deeper prayer life and one that rarely is called for from our pulpits

Never mind turning it down; let’s turn it off

Every day I find stories on the Internet that question, insult or misrepresent some facet of the Christian faith. And, being a thin-skinned believer, I hear these stories begging me for an answer or a solution.

Parousia, a poem

Teach us not to detest our humanness, our imperfection, but allow it to beckon to You the Perfect One, like a glove made for a Hand, the Hand of God.

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