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Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tag: exodus

I Relate to the Contrary Son in the Passover Service

Midway through the eight-day Passover festival, dear friends invited my wife, me and a few others to their home for a simplified Passover Seder. Over the years I’ve been particularly attracted to the portion of the service in which we hear of four sons — one wise, one contrary, one simple and one who does not know how to ask questions.

At Passover, Jews love matzo … until they don’t

(RNS) How many days do you have to eat matzo before it starts to taste like "the bread of affliction?"

Ex-gay group Exodus International shuts down, president apologizes

Exodus International, a group that bills itself as “the oldest and largest Christian ministry dealing with faith and homosexuality,” announced late Wednesday (June 19) that it’s shutting its doors.

Exodus’s board unanimously agreed to close the ministry and begin a separate one, though details about a new ministry focused on gender and sexuality are still being worked out.

Institutional church and social justice, part 2

The book of Exodus is the memory of how Israel came into being as the chosen people of God. Because as church we often refer to ourselves as Israel or the new Israel, we need to see ourselves in the story.

Institutional church and social justice, a series

Religion being thrown around in public discourse gives us a particular opportunity to challenge ourselves to realize our meanings and assumptions when we talk about ecumenicalism. To talk about the church is to include the global Christian community, not just a certain domination or authority.

Some bread, some wine and a revolution

This hope is everywhere, and I believe it is alive in every human heart, like a small flame, just waiting to be fanned and let loose. The good news of the meal Jesus shared with a few friends is that this movement is for everyone, but it is going to take everyone as well.

Must read