The ratings for NBC’s new show Revolution are good, easily beating its rivals on ABC and CBS. Seemingly inspired by the hit movie The Hunger Games (bows and arrows and all), the setting takes place 15 dystopian years after a catastrophic event that changed the world.
Religious fundamentalism is a reaction to this alienation. People search “to find the places we used to play.” They crave something heavy to anchor their lives; something that won’t change; something to serve as a reference point.
My parents were really careful about what they allowed us to watch, and the often previewed a movie so they could figure out which parts might need to be skipped over.
Lost in Transition by Sixpence None the Richer, originally planned for August of 2010, was finally recently released just last week. During their early years they recorded under a Christian label, but went more mainstream in 1997.
Addiction can cut a wide path of destruction….career, reputation, relationships. The news story about Randy Travis this week reminded me just how wide that path can be.