62.6 F
Monday, July 8, 2024

Tag: easter

Christians should stop being Debbie Downers

The Rock, Conway's (S.C.) Community Church sent out this postcard to the community; the backlash has been caustic. The pastor has written...

Fascinated by Fire

Many startling self-revelations can occur through the process of entering seminary. The battery of psychological exams, including the 600-question, entirely true-false...

What happens when Holy Week isn’t just history?

Living in a monastery means Holy Week is a special, profound time. Our lives are oriented around the liturgical calendar. But I...

Photo essay: Journey to the Cross

Maybe it's his tender smile or dramatic acting skills. Or maybe it's the beard.  Something makes Pastor Byron Corbett a pretty darn...

Church, 230 actors recreate journey to the cross

This weekend more than 230 actors will re-create Jesus' final hours with a 30-minute, outdoor walk-through event at Spokane Valley Adventist Church. ...

What are we crying out for?

On Palm Sunday we witnessed the waving of palms in memory of Jesus's entry into Jerusalem and in anticipation of the...

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