After Bethany Presbyterian Church service ends, the pastor grabs a pair of sunglasses and changes into a black Harley-Davidson t-shirt featuring George Washington and Abraham Lincoln on motorcycles. Now he’s ready to ride.
Wesley Arai, associate carillonist at the University of California, Berkeley, will return to Spokane for the annual Fourth of July Concert at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.
The concert will begin at 9 p.m outside the cathedral.
One of the things I have heard quite often over the past 31 years I have been in parish ministry, is that congregations are supposed to be places where everyone loves each other. Until very recently I have agreed with that; I have pictured that as an ideal toward which we all ought to work. These days I am not so sure that this is the goal of Christian community in general...
After attending Salem Lutheran Church in West Central Spokane for the past year, Pastor Liv Larson-Andrews contacted me to speak to the question of why I chose to attend Salem. It was easy and immediate to answer. Salem has always felt like coming home. I started my faith journey with Lutherans at Trinity Lutheran in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.