The megachurch church and church growth movement took the cross and the theological language out of the church and replaced the expository sermon with a self-help topical sermon, leading to a weakening of Christian theology
The “seekers” have left the church — if they ever came.
LifeWay Research has taken a close look at what might draw them in, zeroing in on people who say they have not attended a religious service in the past six months except for special events or holidays.
I am sorry that so many of us have deeply internalized the message that we mustn’t let anyone know when we are in a place of grief or disorientation or lostness. I am especially sorry when we feel that we cannot share these things at church, that the church is not a place in which we can be physically or emotionally or spiritually wounded, that we need to be whole and healthy before we show up in God’s house.
What catches my attention is the fact that propel aren’t abandoning their belief in a higher power, just the brick-and-mortar institutions they grew up in.