35.8 F
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tag: christian

God and game theory, part 2

In the last post, I argued, or at least implicitly suggested, that given a Christian conception of God, we would not expect to exist in a physical world — i.e. one of a different substantive class than God, which is governed (for all we can tell) exclusively by natural laws and where we have little to no direct experience of the divine.

The God of the gaps

"Where God tears great gaps we should not try to fill them with human words. They should remain open. Our only comfort is...

Christians should stop being Debbie Downers

The Rock, Conway's (S.C.) Community Church sent out this postcard to the community; the backlash has been caustic. The pastor has written...

Celebrating unity on Good Friday

Catholics and Protestants came together at Our Lady of Lourdes Cathedral on Good Friday to celebrate the unity they share in...

Buddhist, Christian holiday fall on same day this year

This April 8, while millions (dare I say billions) of Christians around the world celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, thousands...

Must read