Chanukah teaches a lesson of hope and resilience – When the Maccabees initiated their fight against all odds and how we, too, can accomplish that which might appear impossible.
Have you ever wanted to wish your Jewish friends a happy holiday, but maybe you weren’t sure if the upcoming Jewish holiday even was a happy one? You are not alone.
Chanukah brings light into the darkness and hope in times of despair. At least that’s what the Jewish congregations in Spokane County will demonstrate with their celebrations on Dec. 10.
I was asked to share something important about Judaism that non-Jews might not know. So many possible answers raced through my mind! I had a very difficult time narrowing it down. So I posed the question to Jewish friends of all branches and observance and I’ve compiled their results. I’m presenting their answers along with their names and notes about which branches of Judaism they identify with.
What does an inflatable dinosaur holding a dreidel have to do with Chanukah? Some may scoff and argue, “Nothing. It’s just a sign of the Christmasification of Chanukah.” Others, however, may argue Nes-Gadol-Hayah-Sham-a-saurus certainly does publicize the miracle and therefore is the very essence of Chanukah.
During this holiday season, you may be thinking of gift ideas for your brother and sister-in-law, putting together gift baskets for your neighbors, or donating towards group gifts for your children’s teachers; but there are some people you might not consider, but shouldn’t forget—support staff.