Hopefully you marked your calendar for next weekend’s “Coffee Talk.” This is part of our monthly conversation and faith and theology. The discussion this time will be on “Violence and the Sacred.” It will be at 10 a.m. on Feb. 2 at Boots Bakery. Here are some details for you. See you there, yes?
This week we published a short story about physician-assisted suicide and the moral debates that surround the issue. Friends of Compassion discussed the topic at its monthly meeting on Wednesday and shared many questions and reflections. Do you wrestle with this topic? We’re like to hear from you.
Catholic Charities Spokane and the Catholic Diocese of Spokane will host a Mass for Life on Jan. 21 at noon at the Cathedral of our Lady of Lourdes, 1115 W. Riverside Ave. Bishop Blase Cupich will preside.
CANCELLED: Immaculate Heart Retreat Center will be hosting an Advent Day of Prayer, "The Timeless and the Bread of Heaven" led by Bishop Blase Cupich, on Dec. 5.
According to a press release, Cupich will lead participants in two conferences reflecting on the meaning of time, the beginning of the church year, for people who live with the timeless in their hearts and who feast on bread from heaven.
On Tuesday Bishop Blase Cupich, of the Catholic Diocese of Spokane, sent his third letter to parishioners, urging them to vote no on Referendum 74, and reminding them of the Catholic teachings on marriage and family.
For four years they’ve been praying, studying and reflecting — preparing themselves to serve their church to the fullest. On Friday their training was celebrated when Bishop Blase Cupich, of the Catholic Diocese of Spokane, ordained them into the diaconate.