In our church community group last week we called our friends on mission in Sudan, Africa from the living room of the home where we were meeting. We talked to our missionaries as a small group, while the mother of one of the missionaries held her smart phone up so all could hear.
Everyday my 3-year old son and I partake of this ritual. As we sit at our cozy kitchen table and eat lunch together, he’ll say, “Mama, do you want to play ‘Santa Claus is comin’ to town’?”
Nontheism has seen a tidal wave of growth in the past decade, due in large part to the Internet. The ability for nontheists to find one another, share ideas, and form communities—both online and in the real world—has been a boon for us.
The Festival of Arts in West Central, hosted by Salem Lutheran Church, opens Friday at The Book Parlor with hors d'oeuvres, a live auction (benefiting The Book Parlor), live music and a gallery viewing. Tickets for opening night are $5 at the door.
The Phone Pix Urban Liturgy Art Project is an Instragram or phone pic' art project happening in conjunction with the Festival of Arts in West Central Sept. 21-28.
Janet Satre Ahrend, who serves on the music department at Gonzaga University, will perform "Fire, Tenderness, Laughter and Majesty: The Unexpected Voices of the Organ" Sunday at 4 p.m. at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.
During the recital she'll play pieces from Buxtehude and Bach, Elgar, Sir William Walton and Canadian organist, Denis Bédard on the church's Aeolian Skinner organ.