<p> On Saturday about 250 people circled the Sikh Temple of Spokane to show their love and support.</p> <p> Read story <a href="https://favs.news/culture/social-issues/hundreds-for-circle-around-sikh-temple-to-show-support">here</a>.</p> <p>...
Spokane Valley’s quiet Sikh community has taken the spotlight this week after a gunman shot down six worshipers in Wisconsin on Aug. 5. On Wednesday The Sikh Temple of Spokane held a candlelight vigil in remembrance of those who died and tomorrow friends the Unitarian Universalist Church will join hands and form a “circle of protection” around the gurdwara at noon.
The Unitarian Unversalist Church of Spokane invites the community to join them in Arms of Compassion on Saturday, where they will join hands and form a circle of prayer and support around the Sikh Temple of Spokane.
"It's symbolic to show we're holding them in our hearts and thoughts and prayers," said the Rev. Todd Eklof, noting the Sikh community needs support after the recent shooting in Wisconsin.