It’s not too late to head over to Medical Lake to celebrate tonight’s blue moon with some local Pagans. A small group is hosting a “Blue Moon Ritual” beginning at 6 p.m., and the public is invited, but you have to go to their meetup page for directions, as it's at a private residence.
This is the second blue moon this month. Very cool, and very rare. If you capture a great shot tonight, please send it to us at [email protected].
A blue moon seems like a great way to start the Labor Day Weekend, yes? Union Gospel Mission is celebrating by having a Labor Day sale. On Monday UGM thrift stores will be selling furniture for 25 percent off and all other items will be 50 percent off.
What will you be doing this weekend?
Don’t forget next Friday, Sept. 7, Covenant United Methodist Church is having its “Totally Free Car Wash.” It will be at 4 p.m. in the church parking lot.
Wow, is it really already September?
September is a busy month for our Jewish friends. Rosh Hashana begins Sept. 17., followed by Yom Kippur on the 26th and Sukkot on the 30th.
SpokaneFAVS will have lots of stories for you in September. Trust me, I just planned out next month’s stories. I’m going to need more notebooks.
One story I couldn’t get to this month was about the free lunches that Spokane Valley Community of Christ gave out this summer. Luckily, SpokaneFAVS writer John VanDerWalker was there. He wrote a wonderful reflection about it today.
Have a fun and safe weekend everyone!