Nearly 300 people signed up to attend today’s Good Neighbor Conference at Gonzaga University.
The event will begin at 6 p.m. in the Jepson building and a suggested $20 donation is requested at the door.
Here is conference schedule:
Welcome: 6 p.m. with event organizers, Wolfe Auditorium
Session 1: 6: 20 p.m. Attendees choose from the following:
- Hate Crimes Panel Discussion: Reporting Strategies – Wolfe Auditorium
- Social Media & Addressing Hate Online
- LGBTQ Community & Advocacy
- Dear World Project
Session 2: 7 p.m. Attendees choose from the following:
- Spokane Rising Panel Discussion
- Addressing Anti-Semitism
- Your Muslim Neighbor & Addressing Islamophobia
- Cultural Competency
Session 3: 8 p.m. Attendees choose from the following:
- Gracism Panel Discussion
- Beside the Golden Door: Immigrants in America
- Standing Together
- Conversations & Listening to Respond
Closing: 8:50 p.m., Wolfe Auditorium for closing remarks, announcement and adjournment
The Conference hashtag is #SpoNeighbor.