Thomas S. Altepeter, bishop of the Pacific Northwest Region of the Ecumenical Catholic Communion, and pastor of the St Clare Catholic Community in Spokane, released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s ruling in favor of same gender marriage.
The Supreme Court has ruled that the U.S Constitution requires that same sex couples be allowed to marry no matter where they live, and that states may no longer withhold the rights and protections of legal marriage from same-sex couples. Same-sex marriage is now legal in each and every state!
We are thrilled about this decision, and join with many others in celebrating this great day. For too long our LBGT friends have endured discrimination and marginalization. This is a decisive step forward for them and for our society.
Ecumenical Catholics have long maintained that LGBT persons should be accorded the same dignity and freedom that is the gift of our Creator, and the same rights and protections provided others in our state and national laws. We have long welcomed gay and lesbian individuals and couples fully into our faith communities. Now we can look forward to celebrating the weddings of our LGBT sisters and brothers in all of our churches!
We applaud the actions taken today by our highest Court. This decision resonates with our experience, individually and communally. We encourage everyone in our society to embrace this decision.
We particularly call upon religious leaders from every perspective to see in this decision the expansion of the boundaries of justice for our citizens, and an opportunity for our society to move in the direction of increased tolerance and respect for the natural diversity in all of God’s creation.