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Reflections on life’s arc: From the beauty of rainbows to voting one’s conscience


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Reflections on life’s arc: From the beauty of rainbows to voting one’s conscience

Commentary By Pete Haug | FāVS News

As I’ve aged, I’ve become more aware of my diminishing capacities. That’s to be expected. Barring premature death, we all experience life’s natural decline arcing through time. My metaphor of choice is the rainbow, arcing across shared skies. A rainbow’s beauty is important. Whether only a colorful trace, or whether sweeping gracefully from horizon to horizon, a rainbow inspires. If conditions are right, we may see two, one above the other.

A symbol of God’s Covenant

Millennia ago, before science explained their physics, rainbows were identified as spiritual phenomena. Biblical passages, beginning with Genesis, mention rainbows. Following the flood, God covenants with Noah and his descendants, promising that he will never again destroy the earth by water. He seals that covenant with the rainbow.

Rainbows often follow storms, themselves symbols of humankind’s turmoil. By reminding us of God’s covenant, rainbows provide an allegory for spiritual protection. Perhaps that’s why social causes often adopt the rainbow to represent hope for overcoming adversities and conflicts. In this context, discussions of rainbows often lead to politics.

Vote your conscience.

Since reaching 21, I’ve voted at every opportunity. (I missed the Eisenhower-Stevenson election by a few months.) But I’ve never joined a political party. Baha’is are prohibited from partisan politics, although we’re encouraged to inform ourselves and vote our consciences. Even discussing candidates can be disunifying because discussions often lead to backbiting. Baha’u’llah wrote, “The well-being of mankind, its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established…” Creating unity among all humankind is a foundational principle of the Baha’i Faith.

Our founding fathers

I’ve recently been learning about our country’s origins. Incipient blindness stopped my driving three years ago, burdening my wife Jolie with that task. To reach Pullman from our suburban Colfax home, we choose circuitous routes and enjoy audiobooks. Less-traveled country roads allow us about 45 minutes of listening and opportunities to pause and discuss the thoughts and ideas of authors. We’ve covered the Crusades (25+ hours), as well as in-depth biographies of Alexander Hamilton (36 hours) and George Washington (42 hours). We even discuss books when we’re not driving!

We’ve learned many things about our nation and beyond. Neither political party is flawless. Idiocy abounds in politics because egos assert themselves above all else. This includes individuals of all persuasions and at all levels of governance.

For example, founding father and President Thomas Jefferson was once one of my heroes. As principal author of the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson encapsulated ideals that have permeated our country for two and a half centuries. I taught that document in China to students of American literature.

Despite his “all men are created equal,” however, Jefferson owned hundreds of slaves, one of whom he kept as a concubine. She bore him at least six children. Contemporaneous accounts from biographies of Washington and Hamilton reveal that Jefferson’s partisan behavior, too, was often hypocritical and self-serving. This is only one of many examples where founding fathers displayed egregious faults.

Modern examples

But integrity also spans the political spectrum. Conscientious, selfless individuals, elected and in civil service positions, are dedicated to serving their constituencies. We don’t often hear about them above the din of attacks and counterattacks. Yet despite claims to the contrary, millions of good people, decent citizens, serve our country at all levels of governance. They care about America and how it interacts with other countries around the world.

I’ve worked for federal, state, and Native American governmental agencies; I speak from experience. My peers mostly included conscientious colleagues along with occasional bad apples. I like to think I was one of the conscientious ones.

Despite the flaws in our founding documents, and the people who wrote them, these United States of America have survived and thrived. They’ve inspired other nations to send ambassadors to assess “how we did it” and to emulate our efforts.

How did we do it?

That’s a hard question to answer,but there have been a lot of guesses. Perhaps that’s because there’s no simple answer. One of our political system’s strengths is our diversity, not unlike the diversity that strengthens natural ecosystems. Each organism has a task; working together, individuals stabilize the system.

Many who built our infrastructures — cities, railroads and other engines of industrial development — were foreigners, refugees seeking new opportunities, new lives. It was a woman, Emma Lazarus, who, in 1883, spoke for another woman, our welcoming Statue of Liberty, writing: “Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free…” Like the rainbow, generations of multicultural immigrants have created a nation still struggling to live up to its name.


In three months, we’ll choose how this multifaceted, multihued nation will proceed. When I was 20, I couldn’t vote. Today, if you’re 18, you can. Please do.

The views expressed in this opinion column are those of the author. They do not necessarily reflect the views of FāVS News. FāVS News values diverse perspectives and thoughtful analysis on matters of faith and spirituality.

Pete Haug
Pete Haug
Pete plunged into journalism fresh out of college, putting his English literature degree to use for five years. He started in industrial and academic public relations, edited a rural weekly and reported for a metropolitan daily, abandoning all for graduate school. He finished with an M.S. in wildlife biology and a Ph.D. in systems ecology. After teaching college briefly, he analyzed environmental impacts for federal, state, Native American and private agencies over a couple of decades. His last hurrah was an 11-year gig teaching English in China. After retiring in 2007, he began learning about climate change and fake news, giving talks about both. He started writing columns for the Moscow-Pullman Daily News and continues to do so. He first published for favs.news in 2020. Pete’s columns alternate weekly between FāVS and the Daily News. His live-in editor, Jolie, infinitely patient wife for 63 years, scrutinizes all columns with her watchful draconian eye. Both have been Baha’is since the 1960s. Pete’s columns on the Baha’i Faith represent his own understanding and not any official position.

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Paul Graves
Paul Graves
6 months ago

Good morning Peter,
Thank you for your fine history lesson and balanced perspective in today’s commentary! A nice seque from rainbows to the political environment. Well done. And thanks for the encouragement to all of us to vote. I’ve not missed a vote since I was first eligible in 1964, Always a privilege. 🙂

Chuck McGlocklin
Chuck McGlocklin
6 months ago

Much to unpack:
As a 7th Day Adventist, our founders separated from politics, not voting because we become responsible for the sins committed by those we elect. Yet we lobbied for conscientious objector/non-combat status during the Civil War. We have people from every political stripe as members, even with Ben Carson running for President.
My favorite President has been John Adams. He studied at Harvard to be a pastor. When he went out west (Western Mass) for his apprenticeship, he saw a pile of ashes still smoldering. In response to his inquiry, he was told that it was a Methodist Church that had been burned down for the 3rd time. The pastor then noted “I don’t think they will be back.”
A pastor he and Abigail liked was tared and feathered, ran out of town on a rail for not teaching from the New England Primer and handing out other “non-approved” literature to students (including Abigail). John switched to being a lawyer. He defended the British in the Boston Massacre trial. Yet he signed the Alien and Sedition act.

Selfishness is our human nature. It leads to great achievements and the worst of atrocities. We want what we want and will go to great lengths to get it. When we think that what we believe (or want) is best for everyone, we will kill those that oppose us.

We think slavery is only what happened here up to the mid 1860’s but just give it another name: employee. We are slaves to debt and indenture ourselves to jobs we don’t like; our government indebting us, our children and grandchildren for what we think will benefit them when it is all about us. (It is very likely how the Hebrews became slaves in Egypt. “I’ll work for ten years to build the addition to my house”, 30 years for more ???, but die and leave my children to work off that debt while adding more of their own.)
Inflation: too many dollars chasing too few goods. The richest .5% own 99% of everything (including our politicians) (politicians are debtors to those that put them in office, who fund their election)and they will collect by collapsing the economy (no money and they collect the assets). Then we all get to experience slavery in its rawest form.

To me, this is what God told us would happen when we try to run life without Him. The world we have is the world we have created, each trying to get what they want, even when they think it is good or the best, by enslaving, torturing and killing all that oppose us.
God forces no one. He will enslave no one. But He can only save those that are willing to serve Him by serving others voluntarily. Loving those that are unlovable. Showing dignity and respect, giving mercy, grace and forgiveness as Jesus has done for us, dying for us while we were yet sinners.
Those that listen to the conscience that points to what is right and desire to obey, He will change the selfish heart to one of selflessness. He will give us power to do what our natural self would find repulsive. With a changed heart we are fit for heaven, fit for eternity.

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