Before I can speak your Truth in the daylight
I must first listen to your whispers in the night
I must lay in the stillness and wait for your Presence
to come cloak me in the soft caress of your darkness
In the peace of this stillness I hear You
In this emptiness your fullness speaks
as I surrender
and let all cares vanish in the breeze
As I let my identity and attachments and worries fall to the floor
like the scales of last year’s skin that is no longer needed for the journey ahead
I let them slide to the floor,
grateful to be free from their weight
In this new found freedom and lightness
I sink into the nothingness of being
I allow all the rest to pass away
as I embrace the All the permeates
I breathe a deep breath of peace
and fullness
Here in this space the previous preoccupations lose all significance
They cease to matter or have power in this place
Here we are one with All,
here everything absorbs into our being and we dissipate into all
There are no divisions or names,
only Being
I breathe deeply into this space
and exhale any lingering cares, worries, thoughts
Like raindrops that slide effortlessly off the slick surface,
they roll away.
What remains is essential;
my essence; my being,
my offering to the world,
this is the way my being embodies the Divine Essence.
Living from this place changes everything,
transforms every encounter
Informs every movement and activity
Enlivens every dream and ignites every passion
From this place beauty flows and grows
and is shared
From this place we not only touch one another,
we connect and transform one another.
This is truly living.