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Photo Essay: Trump car parade celebrates his 47th presidency on the streets


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Photo Essay: Trump Car Parade celebrates his 47th presidency on the streets

News Photos by Gen Heywood | FāVS News

News Story, Captions and Video by Cassy Benefield | FāVS News

Kim Price didn’t know how many people to expect. She printed 100 route maps hoping she had enough, but handed them out sparingly just in case more were coming. Thankfully, she had enough.

The event: the latest Trump Car Parade in the Spokane area, several of which Price planned, one parade receiving more than 500 vehicles.

This Trump parade saw more than 65 vehicles filled with participants who came out to celebrate Trump’s 47th presidency, said Price.

“Our country was in serious trouble,” she said.

With Trump at the helm, Price and other rally members believed now the country would be saved from economic and liberal policy ruin, and they would be safe from war, several said to FāVS News.

Not only that, they liked his speed, Price said, noting her co-leader Joe Bodey’s statement on megaphone a few minutes earlier.

“In one day, [Trump] did more than Biden in four years,” she said.

The vehicles lined up between noon and 1 p.m., with attendees flagging up, visiting others and receiving instructions for what to expect at the rally. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

The attendees and their why

Veterans and newbies attended the car parade. This was Mary Osborn’s first. She sat patiently in her tourquoise 1955 Chevy Bel Air waiting for the rally to begin and for her place in the parade line.

She said the Biden administration was one of the “closest things to hell” she had experienced.

Osborn said she has been troubled by “transgenders” taking over in the last four years.

“I don’t have a problem with them, and I don’t have a problem with gay people,” she said. “Just don’t shove it at me.”

She supported Trump because she thought he stood for freedom of religion and medical choices, for fixing the “failing border,” for strong markets and strong jobs, for increasing housing for the next generation and for creating a strong oil and gas infrastructure.

“We really think he’s for us,” Osborn said. “He may not be the most pure man in the world. That doesn’t really matter. He’s got your back.”

However, she admitted that Trump’s lack of purity can grate. She said he has a good heart, even though he “says stupid ass things.”

“But what man hasn’t,” she said.

While waiting for the parade to begin, attendees mingled with one another as if it were a family reunion. Smiles and words of joy and celebration were as ubiquitos as the patriotic flags in support of Trump. One of the co-leaders, Joe Bodey, nicknamed “the Big Loud Guy,” had control of the megaphone and went so far as to say, “We are family. If you voted for Trump, I consider you family.” / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)
Participants decorated their vehicles to show Spokane their unmistakable support for the 47th president. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

Many vehicles showcased more than one flag, several of which represented America’s founding, like this one that said, “We the People.” / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

The majority of flags consisted of Trump campaign and patriotic slogans. Very few had a faith-driven or Christain tinge. Some flags were considered by their owners to be humourous. One such flag, seen here on this utility trailer, said, “MAGA 2024 the Sequel Make Liberals Cry Again.” / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

A couple vendors sold Trump swag, which several attendees purchased. On the vehicles, if there weren’t flags representing the driver’s point of view, there were bumper stickers, a handful with Christian messages. These included Shine 104.9 stickers (the local Christian radio station), Bible verses and crosses made of American flag graphics. One vehicle had a John 3:16 front license plate on its newly clean, shiny black Chevy truck finish. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

One young attendee walks proudly with his new purchase, a Trump “Make America Great” car window sticker with the president’s now famous “thumbs up.” / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

Before the attendees took to the road, one of the parade’s leaders, Charlie Marie, ushers the group in the Pledge of Allegiance, first requesting everyone take off their hats and find a flag, of which there were many. Marie has attended nearly 20 of these car parades since Trump ran for president in 2016. When asked why she came to this one, she said, “We are here to celebrate our new president. We are looking forward to having things straightened out in the country.” After the group recited the Pledge of Allegiance, Bodey shepherded them in prayer for blessings on the president and on their parade. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

The cars pulled out of the parking lot and headed out to start the official parade. The video includes statements from Price, who organized this event, and her final words to the group before they got in their cars. / Video and editing by Cassy Benefield (FāVS News)

The cars lined up to exit the Wandermere Mall parking lot to head West on Hastings Rd. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

The parade started on Hastings Rd. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

The route took the Trump Car Parade to University High School, 12420 E. 32nd Ave., in Spokane Valley. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

The vehicles enter and leave University High School adorned with flags like “God, Guns and Trump,” “Veterans for Trump,” “Washington for Trump” and “Trump 2024 Take America Back.” / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

Kids enjoyed the rally as much as the adults, waving Trump and plain American flags, as they exit University High School. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

After leaving University High School, the Trump Car Parade took five more turns and ended their route at the Black Diamond in Spokane Valley. There, they celebrated their victory, their president’s win and their joy of participating in something that united them all. / Photo by Gen Heywood (FāVS News)

Last words

The final words on the route map for all those who participated in the event asked that all continue to actively support “DJT – Our 45th & 47th President.”

After that encouragement, the route flyer said, “God Bless the USA.”

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Gen Heywood
Gen Heywood
Rev. Gen Heywood has been active in parish ministry for more than 30 years. From small towns to big cities, she always lets the needs of the community and the congregation be her guide. Gen credits the supportive leadership of Veradale United Church of Christ for including her work to overcome racism, poverty, the war economy and ecological devastation as part of her ministry. “Veradale UCC is a small church with a powerful faith. They are the reason I can be a witness for a world where we do justice, live with compassion and walk humbly with the Divine.” Gen grew up in rural Maine. She received a B.A. in Music Therapy and German from Emmanuel College in Boston, Massachusetts, and her M.Div. from Andover Newton Theological School in Newton, Massachusetts. She is a lifelong learner who lives in Spokane Valley, Washington, with her three dogs, as well as, sometimes, with her amazing young adult children.

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