The first answer that comes to mind is a question, support in what way(s)? I support my local church in every way I can think of; financially, with my time talents, and also give it verbal support to outsiders, and I support the denomination it is a part of. I also support SpokaneFAVS, financially and with my time and words. In another way I support issues such as standing up against racism and other forms of bigotry, but I don’t have a particular group involved in this work that I give money to, I do occasionally give charitably to certain ones such as Human Rights Campaign, and the Marriage Equality WA group that pushed to pas Referendum 74. I give verbal support to many causes, all the ones mentioned and several others, but I do not see this as truly “supporting” as your question asked it.
As to why I support the causes that I choose to, it’s mostly causes that affect me directly, or, as in the case of racism, have directly impacted my world. When I know someone who is very active in an organization, I might look into it and see if I want to get involved with it for my friend’s sake, but I will admit that often my support does not last long or is pretty negligible. It is the organizations or causes that speak to my needs or desires that get most of my attention.
Thanks for your support Jan!