New Fund Created to Help Preserve Spokane’s Historic Churches and Their Heritage
News Brief | FāVS News
Spokane Preservation Advocates has launched a new fund to contribute to the preservation of non-profit buildings, such as churches and schools, by sponsoring their application to the Spokane Register of Historical Places.
The fund will cover the sponsorship and consultation fees for eligible houses of worship, schools and other buildings owned by non-profit organizations, who are often overlooked as candidates for the Register due to their pre-existing tax exemption.
“Spokane Preservation Advocates aims to connect with owners of these overlooked buildings and sites and to encourage their preservation, which can be a source of pride, as well as provide a sense of identity and belonging,” according to a press release on the new fund.
SPA wrote in the same press release that cities change to reflect their growth and progress, but when a city starts losing its heritage, that progress tends to fall short of what makes a city strong.
Preserving the historic, architectural and aesthetic character of Spokane’s houses of worship and other non-profit buildings will help to maintain these connections and provide continuity as the city grows and changes.
SPA is a non-profit organization and exists to preserve and enhance the historic character of Spokane and Spokane County through advocacy, education and preservation
Churches interested in learning more can contact SPA at [email protected] or 509-344-1065.