HomeBeliefsNEED TO KNOW: The ‘Z’ word. Who are the Christian Zionists? Beliefs NEED TO KNOW: The ‘Z’ word. Who are the Christian Zionists? By: Amanda Greene Date: September 27, 2013 FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedinEmailTelegram Related stories Beliefs Now Hiring: Freelance Reporters Now Hiring: Freelance Reporters SpokaneFāVS.com, an online publication covering religion... Beliefs Ask A Mormon: Can you be baptized after death? In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, can you be baptized after death? Beliefs Ask A Mormon: Do Mormons believe they will become gods? Latter-day Saints believe that every life — our spirits, our souls, the essence of who we are — is eternal. Beliefs Ask A Mormon: Do Mormons stockpile goods? Are Mormons Preppers? Why and where and for how long do they stockpile goods? Why is this, is there an eschatological reason? Beliefs Tripping to Peace at Salt Lake: Individual States or All New Kingdom? We must, if we are to survive, see that our existence is vitally connected with the equally important existence of the other. Our Sponsors [View the story “Who are Christian Zionists and what are New Zionist Coalitions?” on Storify] Tagszionist Amanda GreeneAmanda Greene is the editor and community manager of Wilmington Faith & Values. Our Sponsors Previous articleBilly Graham’s grandson: evangelicals ‘worse’ than Catholics on sex abuseNext articleAsk A Mormon: How do you reconcile the Book of Mormon with conventional history? 0 0 votes Article Rating Subscribe Notify of new follow-up comments new replies to my comments Label {} [+] Name* Email* Website Label {} [+] Name* Email* Website 0 Comments Oldest Newest Most Voted Inline Feedbacks View all comments