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HomeCommentaryFour Square and the Kingdom Come, a kids game

Four Square and the Kingdom Come, a kids game


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By Charles Vaden

As a kid we would use chalk to draw a big square and then divide it into four squares within the one big square. Then we would each occupy a square and bounce the ball to the other players in accordance with the agreed upon rules.

I like this game because it’s simple. Four square can be used to teach how to build the Kingdom of God on earth. Each square represents one of the four principle institutions that when interacting together constitute a society. When playing four square by kingdom society rules the game is capable of demonstrating how to create peace on earth. Which is the result of how the game is played.

Label square one, ideas, square two, relationship, square three resources and square four accounting numbers.

Then pick the best ideas for the kingdom. I like, Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, body and soul and love your neighbor as yourself. Cool!

And I like seek first the kingdom and its’ righteousness and all else will be added unto you. This one I like because it’s where all the goodies are. I figure if I can get this one right then the rest will take care of itself.

Next pick a relationship with the King that works for you. Having been in the Marines I like simple orders from a commander that has only the very best for me so I choose, Thy Will be done! Simple.

Square three is resources which is everything used for service to the least.

And square four is the accounting box which follows the mathematical and spiritual application of the phrase, give and it shall be given pressed down, shaken together and overflowing.

This is a ratio of give = 1. The given to overflow is 1.65. The .65 comes from 15 percent compaction and a 45 degree angle of overflow allowing for a 50 percent additional amount to be added by natural law.

The number 1.65 was derived by experimentation given by instruction from Jesus Christ the King and is used as a multiple for each time the ball is successfully passed/given, from one player to another.

In the process of completing the kingdom social structure you receive more than was first given. This is so because it follows a natural law of increase which the Holy Spirit put into all of life. Spring is the greatest natural example and the fall harvest is a testimony to the truth of increase.

Now I know you’re probably saying what does this have to do with the Kingdom of God? Well if you’re going to enter into the kingdom it says being a little kid at heart might help and this is a little kid game.

Now the one chosen to start the game announces, “ I give you the kingdom.” This initiates an ever increasing number not unlike an accelerating perpetual motion machine of expanding value. After all it was the numerical equivalent the king said to use.

Bounce the ball around the squares while recognizing that the position you occupy is vital to the structure of the whole. By successfully giving the ball you will never be without enough numbers to have your needs fulfilled within the context of the kingdom as demonstrated by the game of four square.

When done playing total the numbers times the ball went around the circuit. By completing the circuit of the four squares each player is completing a primary function of a society led by the king. In the kingdom society economic growth is measured by how much was given and the return will always be greater than the give. There is no way to create deficit.

The kingdom based society is capable of being taught if one is willing to play the game. The point is to teach the spiritual principles and the social dynamics of the kingdom.

Four square is the simplest and most practical game approach to teach society about how to identify A kingdom and if desired, to chose the rules that when played will create, “and all else will be added unto you.”

When all had plenty, was there war? When all had plenty, who did not share from their abundance?

Isn’t this how one creates peace on and with earth, by living in and coming from plenty.

There’s more but for now, go outside and enjoy the light of the world.

PLAY! It’s a GAME!

Charles Vaden
Charles Vaden
Charles R. Vaden was born in Las Vegas, Nevada back when it was a sleepy dusty desert town. After a six year stint in the Marine Corps where he earned the rank of Staff Sargent and served as an Aircrew Survival Instructor during the Vietnam war training pilots how to survive in adverse conditions should they be forced down. Afterward he earned a degree in sociology and minor in psychology and while in school formed the first "Futurist" club, hosted a radio show on KUNV and supported a colleague in the development of a "Solar Powered Lighter-than Airship. "After graduation he spent 15 years in the field of counseling working in adolescent psychiatric, adult drug and alcohol and behavior problem youth at the now internationally renowned Turn-About Ranch in Southern Utah as recommended by Dr. Phil. Vaden is currently developing the interactive matrix of "Star System 5" a tool using Structural Sociology applied to the Kingdom of God on earth so as to develop a working social construct to bring about the social psychology necessary for implementation of the Kingdom.

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