Dear grocery stores, vegetarians eat more than just black bean burgers. Each week I visit the Safeway up the street from me hoping that they’ll finally have something more than just veggie burgers in the herbivore section. But each week I go home without my favorite meatless chicken and without Tofurky. If I’m lucky, I may wind up with some fake sausage patties, otherwise it’s more of the same for me. I have to admit that I haven’t explored much. I hear Main Market has a nice selection and I just read about avegetarianoutlet somewhere in the area. Today, though, I accidentally stumbled upon themother-load. There, surrounded by Bibles and Christian books, was the grocery isle I’ve been dreaming of. Faux beef, hot dogs, bacon were singing to me, I even think I saw fake corned beef. Where is this vegetarian heaven, you ask? At the Adventist Book Center on S. Grove Road. The Upper Columbia Conference of Seventh-day Adventists headquarters isn’t just home to administrative offices, but also to the bookstore, and the Positive Life radio station. One thing that you may not know about Seventh-day Adventists is that they promote (though they don’t require) the vegan and vegetarian lifestyles. The faith emphasizes the biblical and scientific principles that might improve health and prevent disease. Pretty cool huh? You can learn more by visiting