The Festival of Arts in West Central, hosted by Salem Lutheran Church, opens Friday at The Book Parlor with hors d'oeuvres, a live auction (benefiting The Book Parlor), live music and a gallery viewing. Tickets for opening night are $5 at the door.
The gallery will feature work by local artist Melissa Carpenter, the Phone Pix Urban Liturgy Art Project by Eric Blauer, paintings by Linda Christine, photography by Heidi Pratt and oil paintings by Grace Barnes.
Artists will be at the opening to talk about their projects.
All other events, which will continue through Sept. 28, are free.
Festival calendar
- Sept. 22, 23, Gallery open 12 p.m-8 p.m
- Sept. 24, 26, Gallery open 11a.m-1 p.m; 4 p.m-8 p.m
- Sept. 27, Gallery open 11 a.m-1 p.m; 4 p.m-9 p.m, Poetry readings 7 p.m-9 p.m
- Sept. 28, Concert night 7 p.m-9 p.m
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