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HomeCommentaryFāVS News Launches Fund to Support Local News

FāVS News Launches Fund to Support Local News


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FāVS News Launches Fund to Support Local News

FAVS fundraiser

Please consider donating to the FāVS Fund for Social Justice Reporting

A Note from Board Member Rebecca Cooney | FāVS News

This past summer I joined the board of trustees at FāVS News. I was drawn to this organization because it aligns with my personal values centered on curiosity and embracing the sacredness of individual spiritual journeys.

I believe in its ability to transcend the boundaries of faith-based and non-faith communities by serving as a digital hub that fosters connections and understanding among individuals from all walks of life.

From interfaith dialogues and initiatives to the role of faith and the environment, regional news organizations like FāVS News provide a lens through which we view the issues that directly impact our lives. They bring to light the triumphs, challenges and aspirations of our neighbors, giving voice to the very essence of our communities.

Because the landscape of journalism is evolving, and many local news outlets find themselves navigating uncertain terrain — it is more important now than ever to support organizations like FāVS News.

This is where you come in.

Your support is the lifeblood that sustains FāVS News in its mission of promoting understanding and unity. Your contribution is an investment in the collective strength of our communities.

As we embark on our annual fundraiser, the 2023 Local News Fund, I invite you to join me as an active participant in this endeavor.

Administered by the Local Media Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization affiliated with the Local Media Association, this program empowers independent and family-owned news organizations to seek tax-deductible donations from their communities for journalism projects that tackle critical local issues.

Together, we have the power to make a positive impact.

Your generosity can help amplify the voices that shape our communities, ensuring that their stories continue to be told, heard and celebrated. I hope you will stand with me in support of FāVS News and its unwavering commitment to building bridges and strengthening communities.

Join me in supporting local journalism. Consider donating to the 2023 Local News Fund from the Local Media Foundation.

Rebecca Cooney
Rebecca Cooneyhttp://rebecca-cooney.com
Rebecca Cooney is an experienced educator, trainer, specialist in online education and writing enthusiast from Pullman, Washington. Her primary gig is professor of strategic communication, but she is passionate about lifelong learning and creating content that enriches the lives of others. She is a wife, mama to four almost-grown kids and dog-mom to Lucy-Lou the goldendoodle. She was raised in a Christian home but describes her current relationship with religion as “complicated and layered.” She blogs at rebecca-cooney.com and tweets frequently @RLCooney.

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