I spent the weekend in Pullman and came up with a great story idea! Have you heard of the Interfaith House at Washington State University? It used to be called the “K-House”, or Koinonia House, but changed its name last year to show its new ecumenical focus. From the ministry’s website, “The Common Ministry at Washington State University begins the new school year with increased visibility on campus. The building has been renamedInterfaith Houseto reflect the more global nature of the campus and the current needs of students, faculty, and staff. The new vision statement is “a safe place for spiritual development.” We hope these changes will provide a more inviting and open nature to our campus ministry, one with central programming for Christian students as well as hosting persons from many faiths and service traditions.” They have great programs, including a weekly Interfaith Mythbusters, Taize Worship services, and of course they have free food! I wonder if this is evidence of how more student ministries are changing as interfaith work becomes more and more important. Hmm, could be a good story for this writer to explore!