On Jan. 19 at 10:30 a.m. the Rev. Joshin Dennis Fujimoto will lead the Dharma Talk during the Hoonko Service at the Spokane Buddhist Temple.
Hoonko is a holiday in the tradition of Japanese Jodo Shinshu Buddhism that observes the memorial of its founder, Shinran Shonin, and is one of the most important observed in the Jodo Shinshu tradition, according to a press release. “hōon” means “return of gratitude” and “ko” means “to clarify the meaning of” or “gathering.” A typical service for Hoonko will consist of reciting Shinran’s hymn, the Shoshinge, and a reading from the life of Shinran.
Fujimoto is the reverend at the Idaho Oregon Buddhist Temple in Ontario, Oregon.
Following the service he will host a Dharma discussion.