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Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Jim Downard

Jim Downard is a Spokane native (with a sojourn in Southern California back in the early 1960s) who was raised in a secular family, so says had no personal faith to lose. He's always been a history and science buff (getting a bachelor's in the former area at what was then Eastern Washington University in the early 1970s).

Ask An Atheist: 7 questions about atheism from Christian high schoolers

A group of students from a traditional Christian High School write in to Ask An Atheist about religion, God, Jesus, hell and much more.

Ask An Atheist: Where do atheists think they’ll go when they die?

Atheists don't believe they "go" anywhere — we die, just as all people have since organisms started doing that. To sleep, but not perchance to dream.

Ask An Atheist: Why am I judged for being an atheist?

It is not an uncommon perspective to be heard for atheists and agnostics, which is the reason why local secular organizations have been formed over the years, as a support group and place of refuge as well as lighter socializing and connection to a broader world of thought.

Ask An Atheist: How can anyone have definite views of what is true or untrue?

How do we "know" all that dark matter and dark energy exist at all? Well, it's precisely because astrophysicists know so much about how the regular matter operates.

Triple play on atheism in Spokane

I haven’t yet reported on the pair of atheist speakers who spoke to secular groups here last month: Pete Boghossian (a philosopher professor at Portland State University) publicizing his new book “A Manual for Creating Atheists,” and Freedom From Religion Foundation co-president Dan Barker, former evangelical Christian preacher and inveterate debate lover who spoke all over the region during the Darwin Day period (once in Spokane for the local FFRF chapter, the Inland Northwest Freethought Society, and again over in Coeur D’Alene for a North Idaho College philosophy club.

Ask An Atheist: If evolution exists….

Evolution is indeed very "dumb"— just like geology or astrophysics.

Ask An Atheist: Do atheists believe in anything?

Just about everybody believes in lots of things (and just how boring do you have to get to get by in life without believing in anything?) so the fast answer is, atheists believe in things too.

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