53.5 F
Thursday, February 27, 2025

Hannah McCollum

Gonzaga hosts conference: Engaging with Communities for Justice

Oct. 19-21, 2017, Gonzaga University will host the Fourth International Conference on Hate Studies. The interdisciplinary academic forum tackles the topic of hate and related social issues, and the ways to combat it.

May 13 workshop: Dismantling the Doctrine of Discovery

Learn about the Doctrine of Discovery and how it justified colonialism and exploitation of indigenous peoples, and what we can do today to dismantle it.

Leadership prayer breakfast to be held May 4

The annual prayer breakfast is a time for community members to come together to pray for the city of Spokane and its leaders.

Registration open for summer fun at Camp Kroc

Register your kids for summer fun at Camp Kroc!

Sherman Alexie to address Gonzaga’s class of 2017

Gonzaga University's commencement events will be held on the weekend of May 12 through 14.

BRIEF: Japanese Spring Food Festival on April 9

Sunday, April 9, the Spokane Buddhist Temple is hosting its 27th annual Harumatsuri Japanese Spring Food Festival.

BRIEF: Spokane Ministry Leader Conference Tomorrow

Spokane Youth For Christ is hosting a conference for ministry leaders on Saturday, March 11. It will be a "day of training" for anyone involved in youth ministry.

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