51 F
Sunday, March 2, 2025

Blaine Stum

Blaine Stum is a 30-something-year-old native of the Spokane area who was raised in Spokane Valley. He graduated from Gonzaga University with a bachelor's degree in political science. He works in the local political arena and has been involved in LGBT non-profit work for several years.

Near the Palouse

A shot near the Palouse this week.

Spokane snow

The snow didn't last long. SpokaneFAVS blogger Blaine Stum captured it in downtown Spokane earlier this week before it melted.

Blaine Stum

Blaine Stum is a 20-something-year-old native of the Spokane area who was raised in Spokane Valley.

010714 quote

"Thus while it might feel good to expose someone else’s hypocrisy, it does not address the bigger issues we face and we need to...

I celebrate Christmas as an atheist

I think it's perfectly acceptable for a non-Christian to celebrate Christmas.

Cutting SNAP: Kicking the poor while they’re down

Yesterday, House Republicans voted in favor of a bill that would cut funding for SNAP (commonly referred to as food stamps) by $40 billion over the next decade. Should the bill end up as law, the immediate results would be a staggering 3.8 million people who would be kicked off the program next year according to the Congressional Budget Office.

Must read