I’m always mindful of how perilous the “wrong” belief can be, which is why I take pains to remind people of how fragile the liberty of conscience is, and how that precious right must be defended for all, otherwise its of true value for none. But I do not define myself by my non-belief of those others, but by my positive beliefs. That the universe is interesting, and worthy of being understood. To be curious is part of being human, and I wonder at those who lack it, are they not diminished by their insularity?
I hold that knowing that which actually has happened is of value, to guide our judgement. History rarely repeats itself, but it frequently rhymes, and its better the more we know what tunes have played before and how they played out. That’s how we avoid repeating the same mistakes, and unfortunately a certain current leader of a great nation is as historically illiterate and confused as any person I have ever seen. That’s not good, and I worry.
The historian in me wished I didn’t live in such interesting times. But there we are. Meanwhile, I try not to make a nuisance.
If there is a Grand Purpose to the Universe, might it not be to understand itself? If so, are beings like us the only way that can be done? We are the observers. We alone are keepers of the record of that which is true, that which happened, and the ones who make things happen (or not) for good or ill. It is up to us to blunder or succeed. I’m rooting for the succeed.
And that’s how comparing belief and unbelief affect me.
So you’re just a miracle that was fabricated out of nowhere and that all things are seen are just illusions made up by men?
So we just poofed out of thin air right?
I will give you answer . Muhammad PBUHlast prophet .Every one is bith and every one die one day many disbliver say how it is possible if you have any question about islam then you should reserch it .Accordind this question why prophet Muhammad came last the answer is that ever thing has specific time if you dont know then you will no find answer take example mother love his small or last son or daughter as prophet muhammad last prophet Allah send him after all prophet
We get you believe that. Outside your dogma frame though it does not convince.