I arise early, on the wings of dawn
my footsteps caress the earth
with each step I take
The vibrations join the chorus
Of all crawling, singing creatures
Pulsating with Life energy
I am swallowed up in the great earth
Like a womb, she closes in around me
As I rest in her embrace
I am one with my surroundings
As I soak in their freshness and peace
And feel the morning wetness on my cheeks
I offer my every heartbeat
I offer each wisp of breath
As gift from which I came
This is all I have, all I am
The small part I was given
In the whole Divine play
I release my self back to my roots
Touching my center
To bring me guidance this day
So that I may act and speak
From this place
That my life may flow from here
As I run on the wings of dawn
She greets me with the hope of a new day
As if creation just began this morning
All is renewed in the belly of night
And emerges anew each morn
Kissed by the rays of sun shining through the clouds of yesterday