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Tuesday, February 11, 2025
HomeCommentaryWhat makes God smile?

What makes God smile?


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640px-Smiley.svgPeople worry about getting old. Billions of dollars are spent every year by millions of people who will do whatever it takes to look younger. We primp, pluck, nip and tuck in a futile attempt to avoid the inevitable.

I’m all for staying in shape, watching our weight, and doing the best we can to not scare each other too badly when we stumble into the kitchen for our first cup of coffee in the morning. But the fact of the matter is, none of us are getting any younger. Wrinkles, aches, pains, and cracks will come to all; it’s just a matter of time.

That being said, what we can continue to enhance is our childlike faith. No matter how old we are physically, our hearts and our confidence in God can always grow younger.

I woke up this morning with a sore back. It was one of those nights when I tossed and turned more than I slept. For heaven’s sake, I got up three times just to use the restroom! I hate it when I wake up feeling like I’ve just run a marathon.

Within minutes of getting out of bed, however, I had my Bible in hand and I read this in Psalm 4:6 (NLT), “Let your face smile on us, Lord.”

That’s when it hit me, God delights over me as a father delights over his children! When He looks at me, He smiles. He doesn’t just see a broken body. He doesn’t see my sordid past or my imperfect present. He knows my weaknesses. He knows everything about me. But when He looks at me, He looks at me with the love and delight of a father.

The question is: When I look at Him, what do I see? Do I see the delight in His eyes? Do I see the joy in His heart for me? Do I see through the eyes of a child?

  • When I wonder about my future, do I know He will guide me?
  • When I leap, do I believe He will catch me?
  • When I cry, do I know He will come to my aid?
  • When I hurt, do I believe He will comfort me?
  • When I fear, do I know He will protect me?
  • When I falter, do I believe He will pick me up?
  • When I lack, do I know He will provide for me?
  • When I lose my way, do I believe He will find me?
  • When I fail, do I know He will always love me no matter what?

I can’t do much about my rusting old shell of a body, but maybe my faith needs a facelift. Maybe I should focus more on my childlike hope and confidence in the one who is, and always will be, my heavenly father. He is a father who would do anything for you and me because he is a father who loves us beyond our wildest imaginations.

God smiles over you!

Kurt Bubna
Kurt Bubnahttp://www.kurtbubna.com
Kurt W. Bubna published his first book, "Epic Grace: Chronicles of a Recovering Idiot," with Tyndale in 2013. He has recently published "Mr. & Mrs.: How to Thrive in Perfectly Imperfect Marriage" and two other books. Bubna is an active blogger, itinerate speaker, regular radio and television personality, and the Senior Pastor of Eastpoint Church, a large non-denominational congregation in Spokane Valley, Wash. He and his wife, Laura, have been married for nearly 40 years and have four grown children and six grandchildren.

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Mary Sayler
10 years ago

Good questions! Thanks, Kurt, for giving us much to think about and for putting Christian concepts into questions that help us to see a biblical response of faith. God bless.

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