At the urging of a local radio host (always the best counselors), a troop ofRhode Islanders burst into the Statehouseand interrupted a children’s choir by loudly singing “O Christmas Tree” during a tree-lighting ceremony. Gov. Lincoln Chafeehad said he wanted to honor religious diversity by calling the Statehouse Spruce a “Holiday tree,” and suggested that would-be Christmas Warriors do something nice, like feed the poor, instead of protesting. Bishop Thomas Tobindid not take the advice, calling Chafee “divisive” and hosting his own tree-lighting ceremony. NPR sat down withSanta Claus,who said that kids this year are asking for things like a job for daddy, or someone to buy their house. Santa may not be at the OWS protests (he’s reportedly very busy this time of year) butJesus would be there, says Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams. Read full post here.
Wednesday’s Religion News Roundup: Christmas wars; Jesus as Occupier?; Obama on LGBT rights