Immaculate Heart Retreat Center will host a dinner series titled “Evidence for God from Physics,” led by Bishop Emeritus William Skylstad, on the last Tuesday evenings of the month, beginning Jan. 27, and continuing through Feb. 24. The dinner begins at 5:30 p.m. and the conferences end by 8:30 p.m.
The event each month will begin with a deluxe dinner, according to a press release. Skylstad will present The Rev. Robert Sptizer’s videos on arguments from reason on God’s existence using contemporary proofs from new findings in cosmology. There will be a Q&A over dessert and coffee and discussion will follow.
The topic for January is In the Beginning I: “The Big Bang and Our Universe / Did the Universe Have a Beginning?”, and for February is In the Beginning II: “Is there Evidence of Fine-tuning, Design, and Intelligence in the Universe?” Physics, Evolution, and the Bible. Cost is $30 per person.