The YWCA Spokane’s Alternatives to Domestic Violence program is joining forces with Verizon Wireless and Gonzaga University to help curb domestic violence with the HopeLine national phone recycling program.
With Michelle Wheatley’s anticipated promotion to director of University Ministry at Gonzaga, comes another first for the university.
Wheatley is the first laywoman to lead the program. Her promotion comes four years after the university elected Thayne McCulloh as its first lay president.
Two fireplaces will glow inside Gonzaga University’s new University Center, symbolizing the words of St. Ignatius of Loyola who once said, “Go forth and set the world on fire.”
The $60 million, 167,726 square-foot building, which is set to be completed in Fall 2015, will be an anchor for the university’s Jesuit mission, President Thayne McCulloh said Thursday evening at a groundbreaking ceremony.