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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tag: witchcraft

How the Ouija board got its sinister reputation

The Spiritualist movement is often said to have begun in Hydesville, New York, in 1848, when two sisters, Kate and Maggie Fox, reported hearing a series of mysterious raps in their tiny home.

About Paganism and the Spokane Pagan scene

This is my first article for Spokane Faith & Values. Not having a specific topic to write about I thought it appropriate to give a little background information about paganism, the local pagan community and myself. Personally my experience with paganism goes back more than 15 years. During that time countless books have been read, spiritual work undertaken and completed, private and public groups have been joined and faded away.

Getting justice for victims of Connecticut’s witch trials

At 82, Bernice Mable Graham Telian doubts she’ll live long enough to see the name of her seventh grandmother and 10 others hanged in Colonial Connecticut for witchcraft cleared.
Telian was researching her genealogy when she discovered that her seventh grandmother, Mary Barnes of Farmington, Conn., was sent to the gallows at the site of the old State House in Hartford in 1663.

Being Pagan

There's something to be said about being Pagan in a world where being Pagan makes you an automatic Satanist. I'm originally from Southern California.

Meet Jamie Brannock, our Pagan writer

Some of you are going to applaud us for bringing a Pagan writer onboard, and some of you are going to be less than pleased. But let me remind you of our mission to be "a gathering place for non-sectarian coverage of faith and values news from the Spokane area."

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