The Buddha taught we should show compassion to all sentient beings, not just humans. Initially it reminded me of the biblical commandment, “Thou shalt not kill,” which tended to focus solely on not killing human beings. Buddhism too, says not to murder, but breaks it down further, explaining that protecting human life is only possible by also protecting anything that lives.
The recent scandalette concerning photos of Palin’s son using the family dog as a stepstool, and her subsequent response to the animal-rights backlash, produced a Palin rant so nutty that it actually hit on something real.
The shelves of Bibles next to aisles of activated charcoal powder, cashew cream, agar agar sea vegetable flakes, Minit-meat and vegan gelatin may seem unrelated. But at the Adventist Book Center and Vegetarian Food Outlet, the diet lifestyles of Seventh Day Adventists closely relate to the religion — and has since the church’s inception in the mid-1800s.