The Supreme Court offered a further sign that it favors letting employers with religious objections avoid the Obama administration’s so-called contraception mandate.
As soon as the Supreme Court decided for Hobby Lobby and against the Obama administration’s contraception mandate on Monday (June 30), critics called for the repeal of the 1993 law that the justices relied on to make their 5-4 decision.
The court decided that the contraception mandate in the Affordable Care Act could not require closely held corporations to provide health coverage that includes contraceptives. Beyond setting a horrible precedent with this case, the ruling is another horrifying blow to both women’s rights and workers’ rights.
Last month I debated South Dakota law professor Patrick Garry concerning the Supreme Court case Greece v. Galloway where two residents of Greece, New York (Susan Galloway, who is Jewish, and atheist Linda Stephens) objected to the practice of city supervisor John Auberger replacing the a moment of silence at the board’s meeting with invocation prayers.