In the religious world, clergy folk work with what writers, psychologists and philosophers call “meta-narratives.” This is to say we speak of a large, eternal story in which our smaller, personal story resides.
Stories are powerful. They have the ability to destroy illicit assumptions and ignite understanding. That’s why I made the decision to become a religion reporter.
Warrior Songs Spokane, the local branch of Warrior Songs Inc., is sponsoring "The Welcome: A Public Listening" at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Spokane at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 9. The event will consist of stories, songs, poetry and paintings by veterans. It is the culmination of a four-day Veteran Healing Retreat using the creative arts.
Everyone had a story and we should learn and share with each other our story and hear others’ stories. The hope was that by providing a place of self-revelation bonds could formed and the Gospel shared.