While the siblings in What Pet Should I Get? may not be as familiar as Scout and Jem Finch, Dr Seuss' new book is the latest addition to a body of work that remains just as committed to social justice as Harper Lee’s famous novels.
Social justice advocate, filmmaker, author and playwright Jen Marlowe will present “Reflections of Resistance” at Whitworth University at 7 p.m. on Nov. 19 in the Robinson Teaching Theatre in Weyerhaeuser Hall.
We each have a cross or crosses to bear. We can see obvious pain around us as well, and we usually do what we can to help. But do we understand how we also contribute to structures of oppression in our society? In our church?
The book of Exodus is the memory of how Israel came into being as the chosen people of God. Because as church we often refer to ourselves as Israel or the new Israel, we need to see ourselves in the story.
LOS ANGELES (RNS) Many of today’s evangelical Christians seem to be taking to heart the words traditionally attributed to St. Francis of Assisi: “Preach the gospel at all times. When necessary, use words.” Or at least they were at the recent Q Conference here, a gathering of more than a few of the most influential and innovative mover-shakers of the evangelical world.