In my first article about Eve, I argued that she is not responsible for original sin. It is sometimes said that because of her sin, she was punished to be submissive to her husband.
After nearly four years in the Oval Office, President Obama is incorrectly thought to be Muslim by one in six American voters, and only one quarter of voters can correctly identify him as a Protestant, according to a new poll.
Recently, there has been some interesting discussion on the death penalty and whether or not it should be abolished. The question seems to turn on the moral nature of such a sentence.
On May 19 Bethany Presbyterian Church will host "Recovery from Spiritual Abuse: From Hurt to Healing", a workshop designed to help those who have been harmed by authoritarian religious groups.
If you suspected the newly released U.S. Religion Census overstated the Mormons' growth rate, you were right. That’s because, this time around, the Utah-based Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints changed the way it reported its membership to the researchers.